Monday, November 16, 2009

Saying 'bye bye'..our way!

I was talking with Sandy on the mobile phone when the battery killed itself (not being able to withstand any more 'mokkai'..goes without saying).

So I reached for the land line, to 'say bye'.

Me (G):Hi got cut, so I called to say bye.
Sandy (S): As usual, you and your mokkai phone di (giggle giggle)
M: Ye right (grunt) Sandy I dont know ANYTHING about Strategic Management de..We ll clear na?
S: Chi its very easy de..Learn Competencies and Comparative Advantage and crap around..42 pages..chill!!
M: I hope so di..oh oh oh! Sandy!!!!
S: Enne di????
M: Are you online??? (giggle giggle)
S:Aama sollu..fb eh?
M: (heh heh heh) this guy has commented on my status de!(gloat gloat)
S: Ahem ahem .. wait Ill go check.Aah (giggle giggle)
M: Macha we are SO hopeless.
S: Adha pathi nammele sollikirom (giggle giggle)
M: Ye right..oooh hey how is that IIT guy de??
S: He is out of town de..worst po!
M: Free free..see see Deepika Padukone splits with Ranbir Kapoor
S: About time de...But I liked Wake Up Sid!
M: That guy is just so GAY Sandy!
S: (laugh laugh laugh)
M: I mean..What DID she see in him??!!
S: (laugh dying)Hey girlie..see this..jog openings in Trent !
M: What Trent?(totally clueless)
S: Tata Trent de! (exasperation) They own Westside...those people!!
M: (WOW!) Oooh whats the profile??!! Something to do with Marketing eh?
S: Yes yes..we ll get free kurtis too!(giggle giggle)
M: (More WOW! WOW!!!) I am Liking this de!!! (giggles)
S: Seriously de..we could ask them for final year project! We can do something in CB concepts!!
M: At Westside? Like..what colours are the 'in' thing in which season?
S: Ye..something like that..why not de!Sounds nice!
M: Ah I dont know how are those baby pigeons in your balcony?
S: They are SO cute!Hey animal could still do a CB project on something to do with ANIMALS!!
M: Uh huh..?Like?
S: PEDIGREE!!! (in all seriousness)
M: Erm Sandy, they sure will have animal experts for THOSE! And I DID NOT do an MBA to taste Dog food!!(GRR)
S: (loud loud giggles)
By the way, those giggles are pretty loud, my mum hears them.
M: yes yes ma, Im just saying bye..
S: Yaeeesss aunty (giggle) say hi to aunty de!
M: huh huh (weak grin and vigorous noddings at mum who is pointedly looking at the timer)
S: Ooh girlie, Im joining a new gym!
M: Woo!! Why? Whats with the old one?
S: This has a better deal de..
(mother clearing throat very loudly)
M: Okay macha I got to go now de..My aatha is giving me the looks..
S: (giggle giggle) ok ok de..chal, ciao, bye bye!!

My brothers mobile phone kills itself.So he calls to say bye next.
Bro: Dai macha, cut aaiduchi da..seri vera prechane na sollu, paathukalam, bye dude. (hangs up)